I admire astronomers, scientists, and photographers, but am none officially. I do love the sky and its contents as much as anyone I know, however, and thank God for their beauty in the pictures I take. I use a 10" Newtonian Reflector on an Atlas EQ-G mount run by a computer on Stellarium and Stellarium Scope through EQASCOM. Although the DSLRs I have used are not high-end (Canon 100D/SL1, and an 800D/T7i), their capabilities are still ample for me. I primarily process deep sky shots in Pixinsight, but do a little touch up in Lightroom and Photoshop. For images of the moon and planets, I primarily use liveview in APT and stack the results in Registax 6.

I had to work August 21, 2017, but also "had" to shoot the eclipse. So I set everything up at home and ran it through RDP from my office. This shot is my office monitor at the maximum of the eclipse. A snapshot and time-lapse from this session are in the "sun" gallery.

Disassembling my setup the morning after shooting in Terlingua, TX.