Whirlpool Galaxy. Messier 51. About 30 million light years away. From Kaufman, TX.

Sunflower Galaxy. Messier 63. Approximately 27 million light years from Earth. From Pagosa Springs, CO.

Galaxy. Messier 106. The little galaxy immediately right of center is NGC 4248. The galaxy bottom right, with a dust lane slicing through its edge-on view, is NGC 4217. According to people who know, the first two are about 22 to 25 million light years from Earth, while the last one is about 60 million light years away. There are actually a number of less obvious galaxies scattered about to the right of M106. From Pagosa Springs, CO.

Pinwheel Galaxy. Messier 101. Approximately 21 million light years from Earth. From Pagosa Springs, CO.

Bode's Nebula (Galaxy, bottom left, Messier 81) and Cigar Galaxy (top right, Messier 82). About 12 million light years away. From Kaufman, TX.

Triangulum Galaxy. Messier 33. Approximately 3 million light years away. From Colorado City, TX.

Andromeda Galaxy. Messier 31. Also satellite galaxies Messier 32 (closer, right of center) and Messier 110 (bottom left). About 2.5 million light years away. From Kaufman, TX.

The Milky Way (at least the central bulge of it), our home galaxy. Above Terlingua, TX.