Looking east toward Pagosa Springs, CO, ~10:30 pm June 5, 2016. Saturn is just above and right of the storm cloud. Antares is right of and just a little lower than Saturn. (Single 4 second exposure, ISO 1600, f/3.5.)

Looking east toward Pagosa Springs, CO, ~10:30 pm June 5, 2016. The two brightest objects in the sky above and right of the storm cloud are Saturn and Antares. In this shot, Mars is just peeking out from behind a cloud near top right. (Single 4 second exposure, ISO 1600, f/3.5.)

Looking west toward downtown Dallas, TX, September 24, 2016. (Single 15 second exposure, ISO 100, f/16.)

Looking north from Peavy and Buckner in Dallas, TX, August 9, 2018. (Single 50mm 10-sec ISO 800 f/11.)