Waxing, 16 percent.

Waxing, half, ~40 percent. As with the image immediately below, 3.5mm eyepiece projection on a 10 inch f3.9 Newtonian. 200 stacked shots each of 32 overlapping lunar sections. The composition is not perfect, but the detail is better than with the prime focus shots (all the other images on this page)

Waxing 44%. Using prime focus but 5X zoom liveview for 300 shots per mosaic piece. Shot with the T7i.

Waxing, half, ~51 percent. As with the image immediately above, 3.5mm eyepiece projection on a 10 inch f3.9 Newtonian. 200 stacked shots each of 32 overlapping lunar sections. The composition is not perfect, but the detail is better than with the prime focus shots (all the other images on this page).

Waxing, gibbous, ~83 percent.

Waxing, gibbous, 90 percent.

Waxing, full, 98.5 percent.

Waning Gibbous, 73 percent.

Waning 20%